With the establishment of the following personal information protection policy, Bando Chemical Industries, Ltd. (hereinafter, the "Company") promotes the protection of personal information by constructing a mechanism to protect personal information and ensuring that all employees recognize the importance of the protection of personal information while also implementing thorough measures toward the protection thereof.
In this policy, the definitions of the following terms shall be prescribed by laws and regulations, and the outline of these is as follows.
- (1)[Personal Information] means information relating to a living individual. This contains a name, date of birth, other descriptions, or an individually provided number, symbol or other code whereby a specific individual can be identified. (This includes information which can be readily collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual, even though it may not lead to identification on its own)
- (2)[Personal Data] means personal information constituting a personal information database, etc. that is systematically organized so as to be able to search for particular personal information using a computer, etc.
- (3)[Retained Personal Data] means personal data which a personal information handling business operator has the authority to cease the provision of to a third-party.
2.Acquisition of Personal Information
The Company acquires personal information in an appropriate manner without the use of misleading or otherwise illegitimate methods.
3.Use of Personal Information
The Company shall use personal information within the necessary scope to achieve the following purposes of use. In the event that personal information is used for any other purpose, the Company shall obtain the prior consent of said person.
- (1)Personal information of customers and business partners
In the Company’s business activities (manufacturing / sales / service of automotive parts / industrial products / advanced Elastomer products / medical and health-care equipment / robotics-related devices / electronics products, manufacturing /sales of software, provision of information and communication services, provision of various services using internet, etc), the Company shall use personal information for the following purposes.
- ① Provision of information by e-mail, direct mail, etc
- (a) Suggestions and other provision of information concerning the Company’s products and services(Including sending catalogs, etc)
- (b) Suggestions and other provision of information concerning repairs and maintenance, installation, support and maintenance of the Company’s products
- (c) Provision of information concerning events such as campaigns, fairs, seminars and exhibitions
- (d) Provision of information for questionnaires and monitoring
- ② Product shipping
- (a) Shipping products and samples, etc. purchased or applied for
- (b) Shipping prizes, etc. to winners of and participants in campaigns
- ③ Responses to customers
- (a) Responses to and confirmation of inquiries / consultation
- (b) Responses to and confirmation of repairs, support and maintenance
- (c) After-sales service and inspections of products
- ④ Operation of the Company’s services applied for / registered
- (a) Operation / provision of the Company’s services applied for, registered or contracted
- (b) Management of requisition information concerning purchase / use of products / services
- (c) Answers and management of deadlines of products / services
- ⑤ Product development
- (a) Questionnaire surveys and implementation of monitoring for product development
- (b) Sending gratuities, etc. for cooperating questionnaire surveys and monitoring
- (c) Making statistical documents
- (d) Collection and analysis of questionnaires
- (e) Planning new products
- ⑥ Training / seminars
- (a) Registration of trainees and management of records
- (b) Course descriptions of trainings / seminars
- (c) Collection of registration fees
- (d) Collection and analysis of questionnaires
- ⑦ Others
- (a) Implementation and communication, etc. for business talks / meetings
- (b) Reservation management of visitors to the Company’s facilities / equipment and the management of its records
- (2)Personal information of shareholders
- ①Enforcement of rights and fulfillment of obligations under the law
- ②Management and recording of the general meeting of shareholders
- ③Implementation of various measures that help promote understanding of the Company’s business and make smooth relations with the Company
- ④Provision of various favors from the Company to shareholders due to their position
- ⑤Implementation of various events, questionnaires and other events that the Company holds
- (3)Personal information of internship applicants and job applicants
- ①Communication of employment opportunity information to job applicants
- ②Adoption screening
- ③Recruitment service management in the Company
- (4)Personal information of retirees
- ①Provision of information and communication after retirement
- (5)Personal information of family members of executives and employees
- ①Emergency contact
- (6)Personal information of local residents
- ①Emergency contact
- ②Information on plant tours, etc
- (7)Personal information of members of various organizations
- ①Provision of information and communication to member companies, etc
- (8)Others(Common items)
- ①Responding to inquiries
- ②Control of entry into, as well as exit from, the Company’s facilities and maintenance of safety within facilities
- ③Business incidental to purpose of use
4.Provision of Personal Data to a Third Party
The Company shall not, except for the following cases, provide personal data to any third party without obtaining the prior consent of said person.
- (1)When the consent of said person has been obtained
- (2)When providing statistical data or other data that does not allow said person to be identified
- (3)When provision is required by laws and regulations
- (4)When necessary to protect the life, body, or property of someone and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of said person
- (5)When necessary to cooperate with the national or local government for the implementation of public affairs and when obtaining the consent of said person is likely to impede the implementation of said affairs
5.Joint Use of Personal Information
The Company may use personal information jointly with Bando Group companies.
6.Secure Management of Personal Data
The Company, concerning personal data, has taken necessary and proper measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal data it handles, as well as to ensure the secure management of personal data, as follows.
- (1)Establishment of basic policy
To secure proper handling of personal data and to provide information on the windows for inquiries and complaint handling, the Company has established the personal information protection policy.
- (2)Maintaining discipline concerning handling personal data
The Company has established internal regulations concerning how to handle personal data, responsible persons / persons in charge and their duties, etc.
- (3)Secure management measures (organizational aspects)
The Company has assigned the responsible persons concerning handling personal data and has clarified the responsible persons of the work who handle personal data and the scope of the handling. Also, the Company has maintained a system to report and communicate to the responsible persons in the case of or if there is an indication of violation of laws and regulations or internal regulations.
- (4)Secure management measures (human aspects)
The Company has periodically held trainings concerning handling personal data for employees who handle personal data.
- (5)Secure management measures (physical / technical aspects)
The Company has controlled access to the information systems that handle personal data and also has introduced systems to protect from unauthorized access or malicious software from external sources.
Also, the Company has taken measures to prevent devices, electronic media and documents, etc. that handle personal data from being stolen or lost, as well as measures so that personal data can’t easily be identified when they are carried.
- (6)Grasping external environment
In case of handling personal data in foreign countries, the Company shall take necessary and proper measures for the secure management of personal data while grasping the system, etc. concerning the protection of personal information of said countries.
7.Outsourcing of Personal Data
The Company shall, in the event that it outsources the handling of personal data to a third party in whole or in part, conduct an impartial investigation of said third party and exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over said third party to ensure the secure management of the personal data that was outsourced.
8.Legal Compliance and Reviews
The Company shall comply with applicable laws and regulations concerning retained personal information, and seek to review and improve the handling of personal information as appropriate.
9.Improvement and Revision of Personal Information Protection Policy
The Company may revise the personal information protection policy in accordance with changes in the Company’s business contents, improvement of safety, and revisions of concerned laws and regulations, etc.
If you have any questions, etc. concerning the Company’s handling of personal information, please contact us through the form below.
Inquiry form