Environmental Basic Policy
Environmental Basic Policy
Basic Philosophy
The Bando Group shall recognize that preservation of the global environment is our materiality. In all facets of business activities and providing of products and services centering rubber and plastic products and system products including them, the originality, ingenuity, and energy of all employees shall be mobilized to actively preserve the environment and prevent pollution.
Action Guidelines
1. The Bando Group shall promote product development with consideration for environmental protection.
(1) Development of products and systems with low environmental impact
(2) Use of materials with low environmental impact
(3) Consideration of energy conservation and recyclability - 2. The Bando Group shall comply with environmental laws and regulations and agreements with local governments, the industry, etc., use sustainable resources, mitigate and adapt to climate change, take initiatives to protect biodiversity and ecosystems, and strive to prevent societal and regional contamination.
- 3.The Bando Group shall promote activities such as resource and energy conservation, recycling, and waste reduction.
- 4. The Bando Group shall announce the Environmental Basic Policy internally and externally, sharing it with all employees and business partners, while providing education and training on environmental preservation and pollution prevention and promoting environmental conservation activities with full participation.
- 5. In order to ensure the above items are implemented, the Bando Group shall set the environmental objectives and targets rationally, work on them by mobilizing the originality, ingenuity, and energy of all employees, and develop continuous improvement activities based on regular environmental audits and reviews to preserve the environment and prevent pollution.
Environmental Promotion Organization
Our headquarters-based Environmental Committee promotes Bando’s environmental management system.
Environmental Audit System
Bando’s environmental audits are divided into internal audits and those by ISO examining authorities, based on ISO14001. Audits are conducted on the basis of yearly plans to isolate issues needing implementation or corrective or preventative measures. Items of particular importance are further reviewed by management, an important part of the environmental management system. Also, internal standards are set and monitored to prevent the occurrence of defects.