Employment/ Diversity and equal opportunity

Material Issue Employment

  • Targets/Vision
  • Become an attractive organization that can attract human resources through a job satisfaction reform based on dialogue between supervisors and subordinates and support

Management and Promotion Method of Employment

[Responsible Departments]
  • Personnel Department
[Policy/Point of view]

A major premise for a company’s growth is to create a vital organization where diverse employees can fully demonstrate their strengths and abilities. We are committed to making comprehensive improvement to enhance engagement from various angles including the form of employment, wage system, evaluation system, work style, working hours, leadership development, and communication with employees.


Become an attractive organization that can attract human resources through a job satisfaction reform based on dialogue between supervisors and subordinates and support


Continue the following measures systematically and continuously

  • Plan and implement initiatives to encourage managers and leaders to change their behaviors
  • Build an awareness of the importance of engagement and improve it through visualization
  • Introduce the evaluation system, etc. to increase members’ willingness to take on new challenges

Improve engagement

Recognizing that the major premise for the sustainable growth of a company is to create a vital organization where diverse personnel can fully demonstrate their strengths and abilities, we will plan and implement initiatives to encourage managers and leaders to change their behavior and introduce an evaluation system, etc. to encourage employees to take on challenges. In addition, we aim to improve engagement proactively taking the lead by visualizing the engagement status of each workplace and creating an environment where employees can interact and make improvements.

Support and enhancement of work-life balance

In order to create employee-friendly working places where everyone is satisfied with their work, we have introduced a flextime system and a paid leave system that allows to take paid leave by the hour as well as other systems as follows:
In October 2019, we obtained the “Kurumin” certification as a company that proactively provides child-rearing supports to employees.
Also, in April 2021, we expanded the scope of eligible employees for the work-from-home system from certain employees caring for their children or family members to all employees.

Major systems supporting work-life balance

System Detail
Childcare leave Available until the end of April after the child reaches three years of age
Short working hour for childcare Available until the child finishes the third grade (with options of reduction by 1 or 2 hours)
Nursing leave/family care leave Available up to 5 days in a year per family member, or up to 10 days in a year for two or more family members
*during one year from April to March of the following year
Leave of absence for family care Available up to 365 days per family member in need of care
Short working hour for family care Option of reduction by 1 or 2 hours
Work Location Change Request System May request a change of work location for reasons such as the spouse’s transfer or family care
Re-employment System May request to be re-employed in cases of resignation due to marriage, childbirth, childcare, spouse’s transfer or family care
Work-from-home System May work from home if employees can improve productivity by concentrating self-directedly

Material Issue Diversity and equal opportunity

  • Targets/Vision
  • ● Continue recruitment regardless of race, creed, gender, and nationality
  • ● Ratio of female new graduates employed: 20%
  • ● Ratio of persons with disabilities employed: 2.3%

Management and Promotion Method of Diversity and equal opportunity

[Responsible Departments]
  • Personnel Department
[Policy/Point of view]

The Group sets forth the respect of human rights, personality, and individuality in the “Group Code of Conduct” and aims at creating non-discriminatory, safe, comfortable, and pleasant workplace atmosphere. We are working to establish a system and workplace where diverse employees can work vigorously and demonstrate their abilities as part of our effort to promote diversity.

  • Continue recruitment regardless of race, creed, gender, and nationality
  • Ratio of female new graduates employed: 20% (same as the figure in the activity policy submitted to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare under the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace)
  • Ratio of persons with disabilities employed: 2.3% (compliant with the relevant law)

Implement internal initiatives to promote and achieve the numerical targets for the recruitment of female employees, persons with disabilities, and foreign nationals (creation of organization and culture capitalizing on diversity, fair employment opportunity and evaluation, promotion of work-life balance, and development of self-directive human resources/managers, etc.)

To mobilize talented workforce with diverse background and continue to create new values

In addition to recruitment/employment aiming to achieve the above targets, we are also working on initiatives such as creation of organization and culture capitalizing on diversity, fair employment opportunity and evaluation, promotion of work-life balance, and development of self-directive human resources/managers. In fiscal 2022, new university graduates employed included 39.1% of women (joining in 2023), 2.20% of persons with disabilities (short by one person to the statutory requirement, as of March 31, 2023)